Net Control Script

Speaking slowly and clearly:


Calling the Saint Croix Valley Friendly Net.
Calling the Saint Croix Valley Friendly Net.

This is YOUR_CALL.
My name is YOUR_NAME.
I am located in YOUR_CITY, Wisconsin.

This net meets most Tuesdays at 1900 hours for routine check-in’s and
passing of any messages. This repeater is located in Roberts, WI with a
frequency of 147.33 and a PL tone of 110.9.

The St. Croix Valley Radio Amateurs website can be found at, www, dot, kilo, niner, sierra, charlie, victor, dot, org.

All ham radio operators are invited to check in.

We will now commence with check-in’s. Please call Net Control, break
to check for doubling, and then say your call sign, name and location.
Phonetics appreciated. Once we have completed check-ins, we will go
back and ask for your comments.

Please check in now.

Write Down Received Check-ins

Thank you for checking in. I have copied…


Are there any corrections to this list?
Please call now.

Are there any additional check-ins?
Please call now.

Run The Net

  • We will start at the top of the list:
  • CALL, NAME your comments please.
  • CALL, NAME your comments please.

Are there any comments or questions? Please call now.

Are there any additional check-ins? Please call now.

Close The Net

  • Having heard no additional check-ins, I would like to thank you all for your participation.
    • The next Saint Croix Valley Friendly Net will be next Tuesday at 7pm.
    • Our club meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm. Members and non-members are encouraged to attend. You can find more information on our website at; www dot kilo niner sierra charlie victor dot org.
  • Thank you all for participating. I hope you have a wonderful evening.
  • I will now close the Saint Croix Valley Friendly Net and return this repeater back to normal amateur use.
  • 73 to all this is YOUR_CALL, clear.